Diamond Necklace Marie Antoinette

Diamond Necklace Marie Antoinette. The queen of france, wife of king louis xvi, was not lucky! The queen's reputation, already tarnished by gossip, was ruined by the false implication that she had participated in a crime to defraud the crown's jewellers in. Images of marie antoinette one of a number of yahoo groups moderated by axel, the author of our biography and diamond necklace articles.

Diamond Necklace Marie Antoinette Photos
Marie Antoinette Jewels Collection Story - THE SUTHERLAND ...

The royal crown jewels of france, worn by marie antoinette and king louis xvi, which disappeared during the revolution, are unveiled after being hidden from the public's eye for 200 years. After the famous quote let them eat cake, marie antoinette was one of the victims of this incredible diamond necklace affair despite herself. She was disliked for her austrian origin.

Gallery of Diamond Necklace Marie Antoinette

But the diamond necklace affair was a scandal that was all too responsible for the eventual execution of marie antoinette —the last queen of france before the french revolution. A diamond double ribbon brooch valued between $50,000 and $80,000. Her extravagances alienated the common people at a time when the french economy was deteriorating and her contempt for the old french aristocracy and preference for cliques like the polignacs alienated the old. The royal crown jewels of france, worn by marie antoinette and king louis xvi, which disappeared during the revolution, are unveiled after being hidden from the public's eye for 200 years.